Your pathway to mastering computer applications, merging theory with hands-on experience for a successful career in tech.


BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) is a sought-after graduation degree, especially for those not pursuing B-Tech. At FSB, affiliated with Osmania University, students receive a comprehensive education in computer languages, software development, and IT hardware analysis. The program, spanning 3 years with 6 semesters, offers additional integrated courses in Full Stack Development and Data Science, AI, and ML, catering to the evolving demands of the IT industry.

Career Opportunities

BCA graduates have abundant career prospects, ranging from full-time developer roles in top IT companies to pursuing further education like MCA. They can also explore freelancing, start their own software consultancy, or venture into data science. With preparation for government exams like CAT, IBPS, and SSC, graduates have diverse avenues to excel in the IT sector. Companies like TCS, IBM, Infosys, and more actively recruit BCA graduates from FSB.

Program Learning Outcomes

The BCA program at FSB equips students with a robust skill set to thrive in the IT market. Through a blend of university curriculum and practical implementation in capstone projects, students gain proficiency in computer languages and software development. Integrated preparatory classes in Python, data analytics, and other languages enhance their readiness for industry demands. Graduates emerge as versatile developers capable of adapting to dynamic IT landscapes.

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